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House Acoustic Insulation

The best systems to insulate you House against unwanted noise

House Acoustic Insulation

The best systems to insulate you House against unwanted noise

How to restore the Zen of a peaceful home?

The ear also plays its part. Unfortunately, modern life is noisy and so are our home spaces but that does not mean we have to live with it. In the field of acoustic insulation and soundproofing, there are several solutions for different needs. In general, we have two categories of insulation interventions: soundproofing and sound absorption. 

Soundproofing is defined as the process of blocking noise from either entering or exiting a room, blocking out a range of sounds trough different methods. Sound absorption, on the other hand, is the process of absorbing sound waves within a room reducing or eliminating reverberation. Knowing the difference will prevent mistakes when it comes to your own project. 

What kind of intervention do you need? Once established whether if it is necessary to isolate or absorb the sound, we can evaluate what kind of solution we need to apply: Acoustic insulation systems can, be adopted to exclusively control and attenuate the noises caused by footsteps or to intervene trough a more articulated project, to totally isolate you from the outside applying isolation panels that may have different characteristics and components: cork panels, rock wool boards, wood fiber, polystyrene panels, sound absorbing panels.
Pannello grafitato eps 100

Ecoblack EPS Panel

Pannello sughero biondo naturale

Blond Cork Panels

Pannello polistirene eps 100

Polystyrene Panel

Fibra di legno

Wood Fiber

Lana minerale di roccia

Rock Mineral Wool

Pannelli fonoassorbente

Sound Absorbing Panel

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